Living with Glocks

Living with Glocks

239,20 DKK 299,00 DKK

Model/Varenr.: 9781581605396
Vægt: 1 kg.
Lagerstatus: 1 stk. på lager

Glock aficionado Robert Boatman speaks from experience, both personal and professional, when he calls the revolutionary black-plastic pistol "that rare thing you can trust with your life." In this book he explains why in no uncertain terms. In addition to demystifying the enigmatic Glock trigger, Boatman describes and critiques each Glock model in production. Separate chapters on the G36, the enhanced G20 and the full-auto G18 emphasize the job-specific talents of these standout models for those seeking insight on which Glock pistol might best meet their needs. And for those interested in optimizing their Glock's capabilities, this book addresses all the peripherals - holsters, ammo, accessories, silencers, modifications and conversions, training programs and more. Whether your focus is on concealed carry, home protection, hunting, competition, training or law enforcement, Living with Glocks covers all the bases, examining Glocks from every conceivable angle. Exclusive and revealing interviews from Glock shooters around the world round out the text, which culminates with one of the most compelling arguments for carrying a gun ever written. If you own a Glock or are considering investing in one or more, Boatman has done your research for you. This is truly the Glock bible.